This year has been an interesting, actually an amazing, journey with CHRIST. The LORD is merciful, patient and longsuffering towards us. He pointed me to a book this summer, titled "Working: People talk about what they do all day and how they feel about what they do", by Studs Terkel, first published in 1974. The radio broadcaster and author, Studs, didn't actually write the book, because it's a compilation, an oral history, of interviews with Americans, talking deeply about their jobs. In a sense, the individuals were really talking about their lives.
Personal stories can be very one dimensional. But in this book, the scribe puts together interviews of husbands and wives, fathers and sons, workers and co-workers, offering the reader insight from more than a single viewpoint. There's over 700 hundred pages filled with interviews, so the book covers people from many walks of life. I think it's a book that every student should try to read, before going off to college or venturing into the workforce. You can learn a lot from the experiences of prior generations, because there's really nothing new under the sun.
Personal stories can be very one dimensional. But in this book, the scribe puts together interviews of husbands and wives, fathers and sons, workers and co-workers, offering the reader insight from more than a single viewpoint. There's over 700 hundred pages filled with interviews, so the book covers people from many walks of life. I think it's a book that every student should try to read, before going off to college or venturing into the workforce. You can learn a lot from the experiences of prior generations, because there's really nothing new under the sun.
Forget the teachers that try and play god in their classrooms. Come out of indoctrination and into the Living WORD. You learn the WORD first through study, then you apply it in your life, and then you begin living the WORD. You learn about life in the same manner, because following the precepts and theories of men will only keep you in bondage.
In the beginning of the year, I started writing the "Less Stuff, Less Baggage" studies, and the Holy Spirit opened up many simple, yet deep, truths regarding stewardship, in FATHER's service, as well as minimalism, in the WORD. Both stewardship and minimalism relate to life and work. Of course, the word "minimalism", itself, is just a label, so "Less Stuff, Less Baggage" is an attempt to take the labeling out of it. We don't make a religion out of anything.
Jesus CHRIST is the Way, the Truth and the Life. Jesus, the Living WORD and Truth, sets us free from the ways of this world, including the precepts and rigged systems of men. Immerse yourself in and become a performer of the Living WORD. Learn about stewardship and redefine your definition of work and life.
Less Stuff, Less Baggage - pt 1
Less Stuff, Less Baggage - More Wisdom - pt 2
Less Stuff, Less Baggage - pt 3
Less Stuff, Less Baggage - pt 4
Mr baptist.
Mr baptist.