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Friday, November 25, 2011

Equality in the Workplace for Men

Equality in the Workplace? Don't bet your life on it!
by NiceGuy

Women have fought a commendable battle to win 'equality' in the workplace... and the workplace is far from equal (in America).

Realize this: women swear that they are just as capable in the workplace as a man... yet they also swear up and down that a man does not know how to cook, clean or raise a kid nearly as well! That's hypocrisy: women say they just as good at doing traditional 'male' work, but swear that men are inept when it comes to traditional 'female' work! (Heh, on the same note, I know more than a few gals who say this- but have messy houses and frankly, can't cook worth shit!)

Here's another factoid about equality in the workplace: men are the victims of 98% of all job-related deaths. Men die at work in huge numbers every year! Ever been to a steel mill? Chunks of white-hot metal are flying everywhere, and typically there's not one woman on the factory floor! There are a thousand ways you can die on a construction site! Hundreds of male policemen get gunned-down every year while doing their job of protecting both men and women! Coal miners, fire-fighters- the list goes-on for miles. It's men who do the majority of the jobs at which you can get killed!

How about workplace injuries? Furniture-moving is a male-dominated industry: do you care to guess how many furniture-movers injure their backs and knees on a daily basis? Carpentry and logging are male-dominated industries- in the average lumber mill, fingers and toes can get chopped-off right and left! The 25 worst jobs in the U.S. just happen to be male-dominated by some mysterious coincidence... I've never heard any woman ever complain about the lack of female coal-miners.

What fields do women most often enter? Things like psychological counseling, education, publishing, accounting, medicine. In short, service-oriented jobs that don't involve carrying heavy loads or accidentally chopping-off a hand. Maybe I'm generalizing. Some women do work in factories after all... Why don't you go visit a local factory sometime?

I visited a local factory a few weeks before the time of writing- the factory owner is a friend of my dad. They make custom ceramic tiles. I walked-around with the foreman, and he showed me the production process. Hundreds of pounds of clay gets loaded-in to huge hoppers. The clay gets molded with large extrusion machinery, chopped-up, fired in kilns, glazed and fired again. Both men and women worked on the factory floor, but I immediately noticed: all the heavy, dangerous work was being done by men. Men were working near the blazing-heat of the 400-degree kilns. Men were loading heavy sacks of clay on catwalks and climbing on the machinery to operate it. The women were sitting at benches doing the polishing, glazing and smoothing. The men worked in hard-hat areas, while the women were clearly out of harm's way. I looked for a woman with a hazardous job, I did not see one. There were also plenty of women in the factory's administration offices doing computer-design work, accounting work and the clerical work. The most dangerous things these women ever touched on the job was sandpaper and keyboards! No wonder men die on the job so often! (P.S., there appeared to be a good safety record at this particular factory... but just imagine this type of division-of-labor multiplied a million times across the planet. And not all countries have good industrial-safety standards- I've visited some of the nicer Chinese factories, and the safety record there is not enviable. A lot of potential for male injuries globally.)

Oh, sure, you might point-out that the owner of the factory was a man- but you know what? He practically built the place with his bare hands! Do you think that's easy for any man to do? He almost went bankrupt 4 times before his business started making real money. Do you honestly think there's a smoke-filled club where a bunch of old men gather-around a table over brandy saying "Well, good old Richard is one of us- let's give him a factory or two!" (note: women are generally more risk averse and there are no "invisible" barriers keeping them from starting their own businesses. this is a fact... it is not female discrimination that veer them away from starting companies or fighting on the front lines of wars).