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- IMF Middle East One Currency Agenda - domino-like government protest and Arab uprising propaganda
The domino-like set of protest against governments across the Middle East and North Africa may be part of a larger cleansing of the region before a unified currency takes hold in the oil-producing states.
Talk of a single currency among the Gulf States modeled after the Euro has been bandied about for more than a decade. In Decemeber 2001, members of the Cooperation Council of Arab States of the Gulf (GCC) decided at a summit conference in Muscat to introduce a monetary union as of January 1, 2010, reports Credit Suisse. In 2008, Qatar’s Central Bank Governor, Shaikh Abdullah bin Saud al Thani, confirmed the plan was still on track with a due date for 2010.
“The US dollar has failed. We need to delink,” Nahed Taher, chief executive of Bahrain’s Gulf One Investment Bank, told The UK Telegraph in December 2009.
Because the tentatively-named “gulfo” would usurp the American dollar’s status as the reserve currency for oil transactions, concerns that some countries using the new monetary system who are inhospitable to Western interests in the region, or whose aging dictators might give way to a regime that would, put the plans on hold until a solution could be offered that would placate those worries.
Bahrain’s foreign minister, Khalid Bin Ahmad Al Kalifa, noted that other basic barriers to trade and capital flows based on those political divisions would have to be broken down first for the project to work.
Another concern is that the new currency would be dominated by Saudi Arabia, setting monetary policy would set for Riyadh’s needs and making smaller countries feel more like satellites.
“The single currency should come last. We need to coordinate our economic policies and build up common infrastructure as a first step,” The UK Telegraph quoted him as saying.
In a major breakthrough that year, the GCC also agreed to create a joint military strike force – similar to the EU’s rapid reaction force – to tackle threats such as the incursion of Yemeni Shiite rebels into Saudi territory earlier that year.
That agreement conjures the possibility of a war between unified Sunni Gulf states against Shiite Iran, which is reportedly still after a nuclear weapons arsenal. However, members of the GCC all agreed that “any military action against Iran” by Western powers would be unacceptable.
There is a logic to an Arab currency. The region speaks one language, has the unifying creed of “Umma Wahida” or One Nation from the Koran, and has not torn itself apart in savage wars – ever – in quite the way that Europe has in living memory.
Longer-term plans include the Gulfo being part of a larger basket of currencies that include the Euro, Japanese Yen, Chinese Yuan and gold which would become the reserve currency of the world - (source: therightperspective.org)
Talk of a single currency among the Gulf States modeled after the Euro has been bandied about for more than a decade. In Decemeber 2001, members of the Cooperation Council of Arab States of the Gulf (GCC) decided at a summit conference in Muscat to introduce a monetary union as of January 1, 2010, reports Credit Suisse. In 2008, Qatar’s Central Bank Governor, Shaikh Abdullah bin Saud al Thani, confirmed the plan was still on track with a due date for 2010.
“The US dollar has failed. We need to delink,” Nahed Taher, chief executive of Bahrain’s Gulf One Investment Bank, told The UK Telegraph in December 2009.
Because the tentatively-named “gulfo” would usurp the American dollar’s status as the reserve currency for oil transactions, concerns that some countries using the new monetary system who are inhospitable to Western interests in the region, or whose aging dictators might give way to a regime that would, put the plans on hold until a solution could be offered that would placate those worries.
Bahrain’s foreign minister, Khalid Bin Ahmad Al Kalifa, noted that other basic barriers to trade and capital flows based on those political divisions would have to be broken down first for the project to work.
Another concern is that the new currency would be dominated by Saudi Arabia, setting monetary policy would set for Riyadh’s needs and making smaller countries feel more like satellites.
“The single currency should come last. We need to coordinate our economic policies and build up common infrastructure as a first step,” The UK Telegraph quoted him as saying.
In a major breakthrough that year, the GCC also agreed to create a joint military strike force – similar to the EU’s rapid reaction force – to tackle threats such as the incursion of Yemeni Shiite rebels into Saudi territory earlier that year.
That agreement conjures the possibility of a war between unified Sunni Gulf states against Shiite Iran, which is reportedly still after a nuclear weapons arsenal. However, members of the GCC all agreed that “any military action against Iran” by Western powers would be unacceptable.
There is a logic to an Arab currency. The region speaks one language, has the unifying creed of “Umma Wahida” or One Nation from the Koran, and has not torn itself apart in savage wars – ever – in quite the way that Europe has in living memory.
Longer-term plans include the Gulfo being part of a larger basket of currencies that include the Euro, Japanese Yen, Chinese Yuan and gold which would become the reserve currency of the world - (source: therightperspective.org)
The International Monetary Fund has approved plans that will achieve monetary union for Middle Eastern countries by 2005 and the launch of a single currency by 2010. The IMF's policy discussion paper states: "The general conclusion is that the benefits do not seem too large, but that neither do the costs." The IMF has mapped out the steps that will be taken during the unification period to establish the single Gulf currency within the first decade of the new millennium.
The new currency will initially be limited to members of the Gulf Cooperation Council, which includes some of the most wealthy nations on earth. The GCC Gulf comprises Saudi Arabia - the world's most important source of oil, as well as Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, and United Arab Emirates. According to the IMF:
"The establishment of an economic and monetary union will create an important regional entity that in 2001 had an estimated combined GDP of about $335 billion, average weighted per capita income in nominal terms of $12,708, and 45 and 17 percent, respectively, of the world's oil and natural gas reserves."
During 2002, an extreme acceleration of the globalisation process has unified more nations than ever before. Ten new countries agreed to become member states of the European Union, and when Turkey joins the EU it will become the second largest member state, and the boundaries of European Union jurisdiction will include a substantial part of Asia as well as most of the European continent. The EU is no longer just a United States of Europe.
"It has been quite a year for the European Union. It began with the euro becoming a common currency across 12 member states and much of western Europe. It should end with invitations being issued to 10 countries to join the 15 current members of the EU. By any standards, 2002 will be a landmark."
Also in 2002, seven new nations joined the American-led NATO military-political alliance.
"Nato leaders meeting in Prague have invited seven more countries to join the alliance in what will be the biggest expansion in its history."
The early years of the new millennium will be dominated by the great institutions of world unity, United Nations, the United States of America, the United States of Europe, and the United States of the Gulf. When the unification process is complete, how many separate groups of unified nations will exist?
Does this latest round of international unification bring mankind closer toward the United States of the World? - (source: theinsider.org)
Does this latest round of international unification bring mankind closer toward the United States of the World? - (source: theinsider.org)